Ofsea English Editing

Graduate School Statements 101 (1)
来源于:EssayEdge 添加日期:2006-3-31

Welcome to EssayEdge's Graduate School Statements 101! Our experts have assembled the most comprehensive course on the Internet to help you compose successful graduate school essays. A personal statement or autobiographical essay represents a graduate school's first qualitative introduction to the way you think and to the way you express yourself. The personal statement must serve as a reflection of your personality and intellect. You must sell yourself through this statement, just as you would through a successful job interview. Preparation and personal reflection are essential.

If you find it difficult to write about yourself, don't be discouraged. Having assisted tens of thousands of applicants, we can assure you that everyone has problems composing these statements. If you have a friend who finishes one in two hours flat and doesn't agonize over what he or she is writing, chances are it's not a statement that will do much to enhance his or her prospects for admission. Good essays take time. Bad ones can hurt your chances for admission.

The essays required of graduate school applicants fall into two major categories. First, there is the general, comprehensive personal statement, which allows the applicant more latitude in what he or she writes. The second category encompasses essays that are responses to specific questions. Here you might have less latitude in terms of your topic, but it is still possible and prudent to compose a thoughtful and compelling response that holds the reader's interest.

No matter what type of application form you are dealing with, it is extremely important that you read each question carefully and respond to it fully. Some applications are more vague or general in their instructions than others; for these, it is often possible to compose almost any sort of essay you wish. You have virtually total control, and you also have a remarkable opportunity that you can either maximize or squander--the choice is yours.

The purpose of this guide is not to teach formulas, but rather to give the necessary direction for you to create an original and effective essay. We will teach you how to choose appropriate topics and themes, how to structure your essay as a coherent and flowing piece, and how to convey your ideas through engaging and active language.

Lesson One: Preparation

The purpose of this section is to get you acquainted with the task that confronts you. The first step is to understand your audience and what your readers will be expecting. You should view this knowledge as a foundation from which to build your own creative composition, not as a set of limiting factors. Once you understand the context of your assignment, you must approach the brainstorming process with a free and open mind. Allow yourself to reflect without the interference of preconceived notions. Create a long and varied list of possible topics, and then narrow down that list using the criteria we provide.

The preparation process is essential here as it is for any important project. If you don't identify and develop the optimal set of ideas, then no degree of effective structuring or engaging language will make the essay as strong as it could have been.

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