Ofsea English Editing

Essay Writing Tips from PhDs (3.b)
来源于:Best Essays 添加日期:2008-8-20
Essay Writing Tips from Professional Writers with PhD Degrees
3. Tips on organizing your essay
b. Outline
Outlining your essay is the final step before you actually start writing. Outline will serve you as a compass as proceed in your essay. A well-arranged outline will help you to stick to the point as you write.

However, you should view your outline as a working flexible plan rather than a fixed document. You are free to change it when it is necessary.

Your outline should contain all the main points of your essay. Every new paragraph is devoted to one of these points. The outline opens up with an introduction presenting a thesis statement of the essay. Body paragraphs come after intro. Classify the points depending on their significance in the essay. Related ideas may come under common headings and you should organize them logically.

Your outline is like a web, where all the points are interrelated and connected with each other. There is no place for irrelevant information in your outline. Make sure every point is pertinent to your thesis.

View a structure of a sample outline:

I. Introduction

  • Intro sentences
  • Thesis
  • Present supporting ideas ( not necessary)

II. Body

  • First supporting idea
    • Transition, topic sentence (introduces the subject of the paragraph)
    • Discussion, evidence, and analysis
    • Conclusion (not necessary)
  • Second supporting idea
    • Transition, topic sentence (introduces the subject of the paragraph)
    • Discussion, evidence, and analysis
    • Conclusion (not necessary)
  • Third supporting idea
    • Transition, topic sentence (introduces the subject of the paragraph)
    • Discussion, evidence, and analysis
    • Conclusion (not necessary)

III. Conclusion

  • Transition
  • Summary of the main points
  • Final statement provoking further consideration/ call for action (not necessary)

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